The Antarctic token (AAL) will be priced at 0.1 USDT; however, during the airdrop and later in the pre-sale and the two sale stages, investors will be able to purchase it at preferential prices.
The Antarctic token is powered by the Antarctic Lands Organization (ALO) Global Project. This organization brings together six principalities that claimed the Antarctic Lands in a petition to the United Nations in 2007. ALO formed the Antarctic Foundation, which is registered in Panama by the law firm Caporaso & Partners. The Foundation will be in charge of the process of launching the AAL token.
The Antarctic Foundation aims to promote environmental projects to protect the Antarctic ecosystem. It will also provide funding to entrepreneurs who present ecosustainable projects that can be implemented in Antarctica.
Free Antarctic Tokens for citizens of Antarcticlands
A total of 250 million AAL tokens will be created, which are of the BEP20 type and use the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) blockchain. Purchases and exchanges of the AAL tokens will be executed through the decentralized exchange Pancakeswap in USDT. Airdrop participants will receive a free allocation of 1% of the initial offering as a reward, 100 AAL each.
This will be followed by the pre-sale phase of the AAL token, which will last for four months. During this phase, investors will have to place a minimum of 5,000 USDT. Interested parties will have the great advantage of acquiring these tokens at 50% of the initial price, that is, at 0.05 USDT.
After the completion of this phase, the first stage of sales will begin, in which there are no predefined minimum investment amounts. Investors will be able to purchase AAL tokens at a 30% discount (at 0.07 USDT). This stage will last for one month.
Then, in the second stage, investors will have access to the tokens at a preferential price, with a 15% discount (0.085 USDT), with a maximum term of one month.