Foreign Companies

Here, you’ll find articles and guides  that respond to all of your questions about offshore companies, foreign companies, companies in Panama, Swiss companies, where and how to register an ICO, relocating or offshoring, how to sell on Amazon paying zero taxes, blacklists

The Best Places to Set Up Offshore Companies

The Best Places to Set Up Offshore Companies

Do you want to start a business in your country but feel like the regulatory landscape is too harsh and the tax laws don’t favor your business? Several business people face this problem, and they solve it by setting up their businesses in place… Read more
What is a Certified Public Accountant in Panama

What is a Certified Public Accountant in Panama?

The Certified Public Accountant (CPA) has gained more importance in the management of private entities in Panama following the enforcement of Law 280 on December 30, 2021. This law expanded the range of functions for accountants and incorporated the … Read more
What is a resident agent in Panama

What is a resident agent in Panama?

According to Panamanian law, it is mandatory for every company to have a resident agent. The resident agent in Panama is responsible for informing the offshore company about its annual obligations. Additionally, they are authorized to pay the annu… Read more
What is a community of property

What is a community of property?

Community of property is a form of shared ownership in which several individuals share ownership of an asset or right Community of property is a common legal form in the field of housing, but it can also occur in other property. Although community… Read more
Advantages and risks of offshore companies in 2023

Advantages and risks of offshore companies in 2023

What are the advantages and risks of offshore companies in 2023 and in the face of inflation and the coming crisis? Offshore companies continue to be widely used legal structures, but what are the advantages and risks of offshore companies in 2023… Read more
New provisions for Panamanian companies

New provisions for Panamanian companies

The Board of Directors of the Superintendency of Panama approved Agreement JD-02-2022, which introduced new mandatory compliance provisions for owners of Panamanian corporations, foundations and bank accounts, as well as for lawyers and public accoun… Read more
Antarctic legal framework

Antarctic legal framework

The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies has always been one of their great advantages. However, the governments of several countries have attempted to create a legal framework that allows them to control an ever-growing market. There are supp… Read more
Panama approved law to regulate cryptocurrencies

Panama approved law to regulate cryptocurrencies

Once the law to regulate cryptocurrencies is signed by the president, Laurentino Cortizo, and appears in the Official Gazette, both citizens and organizations may agree on different types of crypto assets as payment methods to carry out any operation… Read more
What are the changes made in the bookkeeping registers of Panamanian offshore companies?

What are the changes made in the bookkeeping registers of Panamanian offshore companies?

The modifications affect both the ultimate beneficiaries of the companies, and the administrators and resident agents. This Law was emanated in compliance with the norms of the OECD and other international organisms. It’s implementation has cre… Read more
Panama’s offshore companies are looking for accounting software

Panama’s offshore companies are looking for accounting software

Offshore businesses registered in Panama are looking for the best accounting software in view of Law 624’s going into force. They are going through the fast and inexpensive alternatives for creating accounting records, available on the market. … Read more
Online businesses that make money without investing a lot

Online businesses that make money without investing a lot

Actually, the most difficult part of setting up online businesses that make money without investing a lot, and having success is to find a niche where you can be positioned with your products or services. One of the most common errors made by busi… Read more
What is the custody of bearer shares in companies

What is the custody of bearer shares in companies?

Law 47 began to be applied on that date. Said law established that all owners of this type of shares were obligated to designate an authorized custodian or else replace the shares with a nominative type. A local lawyer, brokerage firm, bank or sto… Read more
How to buy a virtual Amazon gift card

How to buy a virtual Amazon gift card

In this article, you’ll discover how to buy a virtual Amazon gift card and why it’s better to make your purchases with this system If you have reached this page it’s because you’ve had difficulties buying on Amazon with you… Read more
The 10 countries that use offshore companies the most

The 10 countries that use offshore companies the most

The investigation of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) drew up a list of the 10 countries that use offshore companies the most In the investigation known internationally as the Pandora Papers, the ICIJ created a list… Read more
Integrated finances could mark the end of banks

Integrated finances could mark the end of banks

The integrated finances could soon lead to the end of traditional banks. This is the integration of financial services in products and negotiation processing by non-banking entities. The fastest growing European integrated finances business is the Ge… Read more
Registering an LLC in the US; is an LLC in Delaware a good solution

Registering an LLC in the US; is an LLC in Delaware a good solution?

Many decide to set up a company in the United States, an LLC in Delaware, because they are convinced that it is prestigious. I’m not convinced. It can also be for offering better service for your American customers, or to make better use of the… Read more
Anonymous companies in Panama - is it beneficial for everyone?

Anonymous companies in Panama: Are they advantageous only for the wealthy?

In its day, the Anonymous Company of Panama was a legal tool used mainly by businesses with transnational interests. Or else,  they were used by individuals with the intention of protecting their assets. However, we have seen another user pro… Read more
How to open an online travel agency

How to open an online travel agency

The tourism industry is the third largest in the world and opening an online travel agency could be a good business. The pandemic has slowed down its growth, but after a year of reduced traveling, and in the context of greater control over the Covid-… Read more
A Fiduciary company to earn more money

Fiduciary Company for increasing the productivity of your investments

In the following article we’ll see the advantages that a full-fledged fiduciary company, or a company that acts as a fiduciary, can give you. In any case, we’ll simply call them, in favor of brevity, fiduciary company. In Italy, intere… Read more
Is Holland a tax haven?

Is Holland a tax haven?

We’ve read it above all in political statements reported in the media. These statements have found the support of many economists and economy columnists. It’s a problem that emerges every time the member States of the EU can’t come … Read more
Does Luxembourg continue to be a tax haven?

Is Luxembourg a tax haven?

The mass media have boasted about it, but is Luxembourg being a tax haven that encourages tax evasion in other European countries a sure thing? What, and how much, is hidden by the attractive tax legislature of the Grand Duchy? The French periodical … Read more
Anonymous companies of Panama because they are the best offshore companies

Anonymous companies of Panama because they are the best offshore companies

Let’s start from the beginning for why the anonymous companies of Panama are “the same” as almost all the other offshore companies. In fact, they are all included in the blacklists of the high taxation countries. The biggest differe… Read more
Bearer shares of Panama companies

Bearer shares of Panama companies

The most notable aspects of the Law are: 1. The Law will enter into effect in two (2) years. 2. Upon the entering into effect of Law 47, all bearer shareholders of existing Panama companies will have a grace period of three (3) years to submit the … Read more
The 5 countries where forming a business is easiest

The 5 countries where forming a business is easiest

They didn’t keep in mind tax havens like Panama, where everything is easier. Here are the 5 countries where it is easiest to create a business, as well as the 10 most complex countries for the businessman. To calculate its ranking, the TMF G… Read more
The best places for registering an ICO

The best places for registering an ICO

Cryptocurrencies are, because of their nature, decentralized and they are used globally, so maybe only a few investors pay attention to one of the most important elements for having success in their initial currency offers (ICO): the place where the … Read more
Blacklists, a commercial weapon against countries that offer low taxes

Blacklists, a commercial weapon against countries that offer low taxes

The commercial wars of the second decade of the XXI century appear to develop around the blacklists. Opposing countries turn to this mechanism to pressure one another; meanwhile, the governments that load their citizens with the most taxes also turn … Read more
How to pay zero taxes selling on Amazon

How to pay zero taxes selling on Amazon

Table of Contents How can I sell online? What is Amazon, the pearl of electronic commerce? What are the advantages for sellers who open a shop on Amazon? How can a private individual open a virtual shop on Amazon? What are the limits… Read more
Offshoring and its tax and legal benefits

Offshoring and its tax and legal benefits

Take note, also, with the English term ‘offshoring’ in economy, or delocalization, in opposition to localization, represents a precious resource. As the Caporaso & Partners law firm quite correctly emphasizes, therefore, offshoring an… Read more
What are the advantages of Swiss companies?

What are the advantages of Swiss companies?

In Europe, dividend flows distributed between companies belonging to the same group can benefit from specific advantages provided for by Directive 90/435/EC (the so-called parent-subsidiary directive), introduced to avoid double economic taxation.… Read more

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