Rehabilitation of Permanent Resident status in Panama

The National Migration Service has issued Resolution No. 17045 of August 29, 2019, which establishes that all foreigners, with permanent residence status in the Republic of Panama, that

Rehabilitation of Permanent Resident status in Panama

The National Migration Service has issued Resolution No. 17045 of August 29, 2019, which establishes that all foreigners, with permanent residence status in the Republic of Panama, that have left the country for a term between two (2) and up to six (6) years, can rehabilitate their immigration status, by request that you must make through a lawyer within a term of thirty (30) business days from your re-entry to Panamanian territory.

If you find in this situation, please contact us for assistance.

Rehabilitation of Permanent Resident status in Panama


How can I obtain a Panamanian passport?

Se ha dubbi può contattarci per mail, se preferisce una consulenza telefonica deve aver pagato il servizio o pagare la consulenza


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